Saturday, November 27, 2010


Arresting a girl for burning a Koran ostensibly for inciting religious hatred, underlines a worrying development. We have essentially created a blasphemy law that grants Islam protections from the normal expression of free speech. Furthermore extremist Muslims have been granted the final say over what is allowed to be said- because it is the implicit threat of violence from those sources that gives the police the incentive to arrest blasphemers in order to keep the peace.


JuliaM said...

Unless someone gets a grip on the police, and takes them back to Peelian principles, I think our society is doomed...

Anonymous said...

Sadly I agree.
How is burning the Koran in your home illegal? I am really thinking about doing this now.

opsimath said...

If I buy something, say a book of rubbish attributed to a murdering pederast, it surely becomes one of MY possessions.

If I wish to destroy it, that surely is my absolute right - or have we already accepted this vermin as our rulers?