Whilst nothing is certain at this stage, it seems as though the massacre in Norway was perpetrated by an extreme nationalist, Anders Breivit.
While a movement or political grouping shouldn'tbe discredited simply because someone like Ander Behring Breivit expressed admiration for or approval of them this will inevitably happen to some extent. His obsessions seem to have been immigration, Islam and multiculturalism. I hope very much that this does not make it harder to point out the flaws and failings in any of those subjects, althoug it will.
The one aspect of his online writings which I do hope become discreditiable after this is his tendency to believe that the other side is engaged in some kind of plot to destroy civilisation. In Brevit's world immigration to Europe wasn't being encouraged because the left believed that it would benefit both Europe and the immigrants but because they hated in Europe and were determined to destroy it.
It is perfectly legitimate to argue that policies will have catastrophic results but believing that your opponents are actively trying to destroy civilisation is usually paranoid nonsense and is not going to lead to anything good.
Wishing Everyone a Happy Christmas
3 hours ago
"It is perfectly legitimate to argue that policies will have catastrophic results but believing that your opponents are actively trying to destroy civilisation is usually paranoid nonsense and is not going to lead to anything good."
Also never blame malice for what could be stupidty!
A good general rule.
Breivet is exactly like a group in the USA that advocates the expulsion of all muslims, hates gays etc.
The leader wrote a book fantasizing the killing of the SPLC leader with ""his brains and skull exploading etc"
This btw is our republican party for you. He was invovled in the "young americans for freedom" a repub group.
YOu may find some info by googling "students for western civilization"
Beware of material published under different names with the sametype of mentality.
This is what our evangelical community - some of it has become - they are the same people who made America 2nd to last in ending slavery in the western world (brazil was last).
The same people who made the USA the last of the nato nations to allow openly gay soldiers to risk their lives for their country.
The one remaining nato country re dadt type laws is Islamic turkey.
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