Friday, January 06, 2012

Educational Standards In Britain Today.

This is a genuine text conversation I had this week:

Stranger: Is dis ross?

Me: Yes. Who is this?

Stranger: Its fran ave u go ne ringin cred

Me: Sorry I don't recognise the name "Fran". Are you sure you've got the right Ross?

Fran: Haha u tryin 2 b funny, sum1 jst gave me da numba so its obv u,jst a txt 2 say du kev a favour nd keep away frm im cz me nd is bruv dnt want im goin bk 2 jail nd im sik ov im liein 2 me nd e onli seems 2 du it wen es waiv u

Me: Seriously I don't know you. My guess is that someone had my number on their phone along with this other Ross and got them mixed up.

Fran:  Ye alryt ross


A K Haart said...

Cool ros, but wots this ed K son biz?

Ross said...


John said...

Not a slipping in standards, but language in evolution (according to D Crystal). Further reading:

James Higham said...

That's why I don't use a phone, you go' i'?

Ross said...

John- but this goes beyond std txt spk in2 cmplt nnsns