Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The BNP- The Excuse That Keeps On Giving.

On the subject of the BNP, one of the most irritating things about how the main parties have handled them is how they have used them as an excuse to maintain their own power and shut down discussion of uncomfortable topics, for example:
I'm sure if I spent a bit longer I could find many more examples of things we mustn't do for fear of empowering the BNP.


Umbongo said...

We mustn't allow the BNP to take part in elections - they might win a seat or two.

We mustn't have free speech - the BNP might say something to offend some other fascists

Andrew Brons said...

"We can't allow the BNP because my face is a godsend for caricaturists"

Matthew said...

But you know it could be useful. I've just told the girlfriend that she can't object to my having another glass of (foreign) wine, as to do so might give succour to hte BNP.

Anonymous said...

Can't allow anyone to vote because the BNP might win.

James Higham said...

There's an amazing paranoia over it all.

Ross said...

"There's an amazing paranoia over it all.".

I don't think the politicians actually are paranoid, the BNP is just a pretext.

"We mustn't have free speech - the BNP might say something to offend some other fascists".

UAF would be lost if the BNP shut up shop tomorrow.

Von spreuth said...

We can't XYZ because...ahh What is actualy WRONG with the BNP?

Face it. Anything further "right wing" thatn Mother fucking Theresa is immediately labaled "neo nazi".

Hel! Margret bloody Thatcher would stand NO chance in this extreem Stalinist atmosphere that polutes the world today.

Von Brandenburg-Preußen.

Ross said...

"Face it. Anything further "right wing" thatn Mother fucking Theresa is immediately labaled "neo nazi"..

Their Yorkshire MEP, Mr Brons, actually was a member of a group that labelled itself as Nazi, the National Socialist Movement. Griffin's past as a holocaust denier is also a matter of record.

Von Spreuth said...

And hgow many of the "Government" are/were Stalin supporters?

Equalky as offensive, yet no one pulls them to pieces about it.

Von Brandenburg-Preußen