Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Senior Moment

When newspapers refer to a "Senior Liberal Democrat" who is concerned at the direction of the coalition, wouldn't it be more convincing if it were someone anybody had heard of. I think the Guardian knows that the person in question isn't that senior as they don't mention his name until the 2nd paragraph.
Reflecting some unease in the ranks, Richard Grayson, vice-chair of the Lib Dems' federal policy committee, also appeared to suggest.....
This is one of the perils of going into government with the Tories for the Lib Dems, any disgruntled figure is elevated in the press to the status of senior figure. They'll have Lib Dem "Grandees" next.

Of course it is true that there are real elements in the party who are hostile to the coalition. Charles Kennedy for instance.


James Higham said...

I'm a senior blogger in years, if not common sense.

banned said...

Charles Kennedy, isn't he a Libdem Big Beast?

Matthew said...

Good post, but Lib Dems have always had grandees, with Woy and then Paddy, and perhaps Shirley & David (the smaller one) for the couple of years in between.

Ross said...

That's true, Grandees don't come much more grand than Roy Jenkins.