In the coastal village Collileufu, Lafkenches carried out a ritual human sacrifice during the days following the main earthquake. Collileufu, located in the Budi Lake area, south of Puerto Saavedra, was by 1960 highly isolated and inhabitants there spoke mainly Mapudungun. The community had gathered in Cerro La Mesa, while the lowlands were struck by successive tsunamis. Juana Namuncura Añen, a local machi, demanded the sacrifice of the grandson of Juan Painecur, a neighbor, in order to calm the earth and the ocean.[11][12] The victim, 5 year old José Luis Painecur, had his arms and legs removed by Juan Pañán and Juan José Painecur (the victim's grandfather), and was stuck into the sand of the beach like a stake.To which I can only say wow!
The Sort Of People That Have These Dogs...
38 minutes ago
From human sacrifice to Fenix 2 in 49 years. Go Chile.
Never mind Fenix 2. What about the the Mapuche elders threatening to sue Microsoft over intellectual property rights? Now that really is dragging yourselves into the 21st century with a vengeance.
Trust you to come up with that, Ross. :)
James, I was just astounded by it.
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