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SEATTLE - At least five people were shot, one of them fatally, Friday afternoon at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, and one person was arrested, authorities said.Now we'll never know.
The assailant told building staff members before he began shooting that he was "a Muslim-American" who was "angry at Israel," the Seattle Times reported, citing Amy Wasser-Simpson, a federation vice president.
FBI Agent Frederick Gutt declined to confirm a motive.
Remember Kosovo and the rest of the stricken Balkans? Remember the Kurds in northern Iraq? What moving dispatches those crises generated in the West, together with such damnation for their tormentors. According to my memory, they were each called "the most moral cause of our generation." There was no question, said the crusaders, of right and wrong; they were firmly on the side of right, along with Blair and Clinton and their generals. How silent are these crusaders now, their selective compassion reserved demonstrably for causes of state, "our" causes.Yes John I do remember Kosovo, where thousands of civilians were being intentionally killed, I also remember that unlike your response to a few hundred civilians being accidently killed in Lebabnon by Israel in pursuit of a terrorist group, you were rather relaxed about Milosevic's actions.
Before our eyes, the Israeli regime (it is never called a regime, of course)
is set upon destroying an entire country, deliberately killing civilians, almost half of whom are children
and the crusaders are as quiet as mice or they are busy toiling in the great quarry of obsfucation
I spotted one of them yesterday contributing to a report about Condaleeza Rice - the modern Ribbentrop
she was said to have "embarked on a mission to the Middle East to stitch together a peace plan". I read that twice and asked myself how was it was possible for Rice (or "Condi") to achieve her "mission" when the unabashed mission of her government was to aggressively back and collude with the Israelis
I spotted another crusader seriously debating whether the Israeli army was still a "moral army". I read that one twice.
In Vietnam long ago, in explaining why "we will win", a member of the National Liberation Front told me, "They (the Americans) can't kill us all." The invaders (the word was almost never used in the West) did their best and killed or caused the death of up to three million people.
The paradox is that resistance to rapacious power, to epic crimes of invasion (which the Nuremberg judges called the "paramount" crime) is humanity at its noblest; yet no resistance is pretty.
those faceless, despised Iraqis who have succeeded in pinning down the American homicidal machine in their country.
Now, in Lebanon, after all these years of terrorising an occupied people,Er no, after six years not occupying an inch of Lebanese territory. If the facts don't support your case Pilger just invents new ones, no wonder he is such a revered campaigning journalist.
"There are times when I am forced to suppress a voice
that rises within me, and which wants me to tell the Israeli
interviewee: shut your mouth, you barefaced liar," says Mai
al-Sharabani, a newscaster on the Al-Arabiya network, in an interview
with Ibrahim Totanji, a reporter for Al-Hayat, the Arabic-language
newspaper published in London.
"The newscaster has to always
be ready to make the Israeli interviewee uncomfortable, to pin him down
in the narrow alleys of his lies," declares al-Sharabani
"Newscasters understand the magnitude ofthe responsibility placed on them in interviewing Israelis. Millions of Arabs watch them, waiting to see how we will embarrass them or crush them in an interview." says Mohammed Abu Obeid, another al-Arabiya journalist
If cease-fires actually promoted peace, the Middle East would be the most peaceful region on the face of the earth instead of the most violent.
I think I'm pretty familiar with all sides of the argument about the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem 60 years ago this month. I don't particularly want to get into the pros and cons there.He is quite correct, the Irgun who carried out the atrocity were pioneers in the field of terrorism and although neither side would admit are on some level. an inspiration for both Hamas and Hezbollah. There would be an element of poetic justice if a stray Hezbollah rocket were to land amidst that vile celebration.
What I would like someone to explain to me is the current celebration of this terrorist act by Israeli officialdom.
I have been steadfastly pro-Israel, as my archived stuff amply shows. The most common reader reaction to my opinions on the Middle East and its problems has, in fact, been accusations of anti-Arab racism. This Israeli celebration of a terrorist atrocity is, however, shameful and disgraceful.
Especially given Israel's current woes, might not wisdom have dictated that this particular anniversary be passed over in discreet silence?
Can you imagine Bremner allowing a line like “Yo, Blair, how are ya doin’?” into his script? He’d be laughed off stage.
They laughed when I said I wanted to be a comedian. Well they're not laughing now!
What should the Israelis have done instead? They should have treated Hezbollahland as a country, which it basically is, and attacked it. They should have treated Lebanon as a separate country, which it basically is, and left it alone. Mainstream Lebanese have no problem when Israel hammers Hezbollah in its little enclave. Somebody has to do it, and it cannot be them. If you want to embolden Lebanese to work with Israelis against Hezbollah, or at least move in to Hezbollah's bombed out positions, don't attack all of Lebanon.Hezbollahland Delendra Est, but not Beirut surely?
Israel should not have bombed Central Beirut, which was almost monolithically anti-Hezbollah. They should not have bombed my old neighborhood, which was almost monolithically anti-Hezbollah. They should not have bombed the Maronite city of Jounieh, which was not merely anti-Hezbollah but also somewhat pro-Israel.
Israelis thinks everyone hates them. It isn't true, especially not in Lebanon. But they will make it so if they do not pay more attention to the internal characteristics of neighboring countries.
The Zionists think that they are victims of Hitler, but they act like Hitler and behave worse than Genghis KhanComing from a man who hosts holocaust denial conferences, a comparison with Hitler is in all likelihood meant as a compliment. Plus it's nice to see world leaders who share my distaste for Genghis Khan.
it would be quite possible (indeed it seems obligatory) to mention the DPM’s embarrassments without it being in any sense necessary to fish for more revelations. If it isn’t, then the gloves are off for everybody. Humphrys himself, as a public (and publicly funded) figure who has raised the question of the sex lives of others, is now fair game to have exactly the same question asked of him.
Has he had affairs, as rumoured? Has Michael Grade? Jonathan Ross? Ceri Thomas? Me? You? Or is it only Mr Prescott who is fair game for this kind of intrusion — until fashion suggests another candidate for the treatment?
After a heated clash in the House of Commons, Downing Street went to unprecedented lengths to rebut the story of Rose Addis and two other patients whose relatives complained about their treatment at the same North London hospital.
To reporters' astonishment, the prime minister's official spokesman gave intimate details of the patients' medical histories, including that of a 13-year-old boy, outlining treatments and conditions.
The spokesman admitted he did not have permission of the patients or their families to disclose the details, some of which were revealed, he said, in letters from the hospital to the newspaper.
Can you blame them [Israeli's] for thinking like that?Oh, who am I kidding? Of course we can! They are Jews. We blamed them for the Tsunami. We can blame them for everything!
Via the Sandmonkey.
Those people should be apologizing to Materazzi, the people who blackened his name by throwing out baseless accusations, the people who -- in their frenzy to figuratively burn someone at the stake -- accused an innocent man without a shred of credible evidence (and no, those lip-readers' fantasies do not constitute credible evidence), the people who ignored Zidane's teammate and possibly the French team's most intelligent and sensitive player, Lilian Thuram (a guy who knows a thing or two about racism), when he categorically said there "was no racial slur."
I hope Materazzi sues their behinds off and donates the proceeds to organizations that are serious about fighting racism in all walks of life.
Zinedine Zidane, who is of French and Algerian ancestry, head-butted an Italian player who insulted him. Although Zidane in an interview Wednesday would not say what words provoked him, a lip reader hired by the Times of London claims Marco Materazzi called Zidane "the son of a terrorist whore.''Are there no limits to the Chimpenfuhrers wickedness?
That's pure trickle-down politics. From the White House to the soccer pitch, "terrorist" has "cooties" and "your mother wears combat boots" flat beat as the top playground potty-mouth slur for the 21st century.
A retired US judge is himself before the beak in Bristow, Oklahoma, "on charges he used a penis pump on himself in the courtroom while sitting in judgment of others", AP reports.
The trial of Donald D Thompson, 59, has reportedly provoked much courtroom merriment as the jury has been entertained by both a defence attorney and prosecutor indulging in "pantomime masturbation"
A festival has begun in Mongolia to honour the nation's most famous emperor, warrior Genghis Khan.I admit emotionally I don't feel revolted by this in the way that I do when I see some slack jawed socialist wearing a Mao t-shirt or when neo-nazi's march to celebrate Hitler's birthday. However judging by the number of deaths he is responsible for, he was a monster on the same scale as those two. If the Russians, Chinese, Iranians etc have no objection there isn't any harm but it is a little bit disturbing to think that when survivors of the Holocaust die off someone like Hitler might undergo some kind of rehabilitation in the public eye.
AMID all the huffing and puffing over North Korea letting off a few rockets that didn't work very well and the end of civilisation as we know it, let us
consider a few points. Has North Korea recently invaded a country on the other side of the world on trumped-up evidence? No? Does it run international "snatch squads" that roam the world kidnapping people who they then hold incommunicado while they are interrogated under torture? No? Let us have no more humbug and concern ourselves with the real rogue nations.
Gerard R. McEwen, Glandore, SA
Penn, Sarandon, novelist Alice Walker and actor Danny Glover will join a 'rolling" fast, a relay in which 2,700 activists pledge to refuse food for at least 24 hours, and then hand over to a comrade.
North Korean officials engage in even more bizarre behavior. For example, food and fuel supplies sent to North Korea have been halted, not to force North Korea to stop missile tests or participate in peace talks, but to return the Chinese trains the aid was carried in on. In the last few weeks, the North Koreans have just kept the trains, sending the Chinese crews back across the border. North Korea just ignores Chinese demands that the trains be returned, and insists that the trains are part of the aid program. It's no secret that North Korean railroad stock is falling apart, after decades of poor maintenance and not much new equipment. Stealing Chinese trains is a typical loony-tune North Korean solution to the problem. If the North Koreans appear to make no sense, that's because they don't. Put simply, when their unworkable economic policies don't work, the North Koreans just conjure up new, and equally unworkable, plans. The Chinese have tried to talk the North Koreans out of these pointless fantasies, and for their trouble they have their trains stolen.
The PAN-controlled official electoral commission, not surprisingly, has announced that the presidential tally is too close to call.
Calderón's election is openly supported by the Bush administration.
On the ground in Mexico city, our news team reports accusations from inside the Obrador campaign that operatives of the PAN had access to voter files that are supposed to be the sole property of the nation's electoral commission. We are not surprised.
as in the US, first in Florida, then in Ohio, the exit polls are at odds with "official" polls.This is because they are 'polls' ie surveys with margins of error and a reliance on accurate self reporting by the respondents. The idea that a small discrepancy between exit polls and election results is evidence of fraud is patently absurd.
In November 2004, the US Republican Senator Richard Lugar, in Kiev, cited the divergence of exit polls and official polls as solid evidence of "blatant fraud" in the vote count in Ukraine. As a result, the Bush administration refused to recognise the Ukraine government's official vote tally - proving once again that republicans are incapable of irony.
Dr Hans Rausing, the secretive Swedish billionaire industrialist who created the Tetra Pak packaging empire, has given £100,000 to the Westminster office of Oliver Letwin, the shadow Home Secretary.
Rausing, who has faced questions over his complex tax-avoidance arrangements,
Rausing's tax affairs were the subject of scrutiny four years ago when he was estimated to have had an income of around £4m but was paying little British tax.
Rausing legally makes use of a loophole by which wealthy foreigners living in Britain avoid paying tax.
Rausing has donated more than £146m to charities over the past 12 years.
Rausing is the latest in a growing list of foreign-born tycoons to support David Cameron's Conservatives......Cameron has still not revealed which mysterious foreign backers have lent the Tory party money.
had a list of "major subversive organisations", which included the Communist Party, the Socialist Workers' Party, the Workers' Revolutionary Party, Militant Tendency, the National Front and the British National Party.