Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dont Kros The Teetchurs

It's quite funny that when teaching unions launch a grassroots campaign against pay restraint in the face of a financial, and demonstrate exactly why they shouldn't get more money:

One educator, a librarian with a Master's degree, described the cuts as "rediculous."


"Remember Pol Pot, dictator of Cambodia?" warned another. "He reigned in terror, his target was teachers and intellectuals. They were either killed or put into forced labor

The debate appears to be taking a slightly more civil course lately, especially after the founder of the anti-Christie page was shut out from posting on the site for about a week because of all the hateful comments.

"I have deleted and will continue to delete commets comparing Governor Christie to genocidal maniacs," read a recent post, complete with a typo. "He is not a genocidal maniac. He is a crappy governor."

Is there any other profession where the semi literate nature of the hate mail is so inevitable? How can they hope to teach children anything?


JuliaM said...

I suppose we should be grateful all the comments weren't in the textspeak so beloved of gangmembers mourning a 'fallen soldier' in online local newspapers...

Ross said...

Or like that teaching assistant last month who made fun of a little girl on her Facebook page.