Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It Turned Out That Mr Stabby Couldn't Be Trusted With Knives.

The world's biggest fraudster (allegedly?) is George Madoff who appears to have run a $50 Billion pyramid* scheme. It is a mystery why anyone was surprised, the clue is in the name, George Madoff made off with the money.

These investors are the sort of people who were amazed when it turned out that Cruella De Vil was a villain.

* The word pyramid for some reason made me think of the old confectionary item the "Pyramint" for the first time in about 20 years. This inspired me to google it to see if they were still being made. They aren't but the Wikipedia page on the subject is very helpful noting that:
The Pyramint was a brand of Terry's chocolate popular in the 1980s. It was designed to resemble an Egyptian pyramid made, not out of large stones using forced labour, but of chocolate by a specially designed machine.


Mark Wadsworth said...

AS I've said elsewhere, that mate of Obama in Illinois is called BLAGojevich.

Those last six letters only need two minor tweaks to make it even more obvious ...

Ross said...

What are you thinking of? I can get "BlagoGetRich" but that needs three tweaks.

James Higham said...

Where does Mr Stabby come into this?

Ross said...

Mr Stabby is my attampt at a 'Name To Run Away From Really Fast'.

Mark Wadsworth said...

I could explain the two tweaks, but I don't want to offend our many JEWISH readers.