Friday, May 22, 2009

Global Trendsetter.

Malaysia's Prime Minister has announced an end to the country's formal policy of discriminating in favour of ethnic Malays and against Chinese & Indians.

The affirmative action programme, launched in 1970, remains one of the most divisive aspects of Malaysia's multi-ethnic society.

It uniquely favours the Malay majority over the Chinese and Indian minorities.

Malays can buy homes at a discount and have privileged access to higher education and certain employment sectors, among other benefits.

In an interview for Singapore's Straits Times newspaper, Mr Najib said that ethnic quotas damaged his country's competitiveness and ran counter to global trends.

Not completely against global trends though.


Mark said...

Malaysia's 'bumiputera' policy of ethnic favouritism was designed to help the indigenous Malays.
Our inverted 'bumiputera' policy, from small beginnings in 1976 (when the concept of 'indirect discrimination' was enshrined in law),to its full flowering under la Harman, is designed to achieve the exact opposite.

The Malaysians are worried, rightly, that their policies may be hindering their competitiveness. Our government's insistence on implementing policies which will undoubtedly result in additional economic burdens (and further ill feeling between competing groups)is truly breathtaking.

Ross said...

I agree with all that. The hostility that will inevitably result could be quite dangerous.