Sunday, October 18, 2009

Coincidence? Yes Actually

Both Steve at Pub Philosopher and Dungeekin are back with a flurry of posts after a total or near total absence that began sometime in early July. It looks like a coincindence but is anyone wondering if they are in fact ...... the same person?

Because that would be pretty stupid, of course it's a coincidence.


James Higham said...

Detective Ross - go to it.

John M Ward said...

I suspect that they have been on an extended holiday together :-)

Dungeekin said...

I shall make no comment, until I've completed my negotiations with Mr Max Clifford.

At which point you'll be hearing from my lawyers. :-)


Steve said...

My alter-ego certainly writes a good blog. I loved the piece on Jan Moir.

I'll add him (or should that be me)to my blogroll.