Sunday, September 27, 2009


Quite a few news organisations are describing Roman Polanski as "The controversial Polish-French director" or some variant thereof. It seems a surprising description of someone who drugged and raped a 13 year old girl as most people tend to agree that this is a bad thing.


Quiet_Man said...

It's only controversial because he's a media luvvie. Which means in the eyes of the MSM that he's just misunderstood.

Ross said...

To a point, although I don't think Gery Glitter or even Chris Langham were treated as sympathetically as Polanski.

JuliaM said...

Well, pop music and television isn't art, is it, dahling?

Ross said...

And Leader of the Gang isn't art?

staybryte said...

You know how it is, I mean, you drug and rape ONE 13 year-old child...

Ross said...

Yes. And he doesn't even get credit for all the 13 year olds he hasn't raped.